World Ends in 2012????

What will happen in the 2012?

People are saying the world ends in 2012. I thought for a while what
is the “World Ends in 2012”. Here I am putting my thought process.

As you know we are living in the solar system, Sun and Moon will have
a lot of influence in our acts. This year,  Sun, Moon and Earth will
come at a certain angle , that will influence the energy level  on the
earth plane a lot. For example, every new moon day and full moon day,
energy levels are so high on the earth..if you see the tides on the
ocean on those particular days..Tides are roaring and want to go

What if the Sun also increases their energy level as more than normal
range… Don’t you think there will be tremendous shift on the
earth…Due to this shift, earth will lose gravitation power..It means
the earth will have less weight as compared to normal level. Because
of this upsurge of energy, earth itself loses some weight…What about
the human system? Don’t you think humans also lose weight in a subtle
level…As we know, Human body contains the 70% of liquid…There will
be lot of up surge of energy, and we experience some turbulence in the
human system too..

If we think in terms of physics, every atom or cell is has associated
with ‘Mass’. Even our thought is also associated with mass…As
Einstein said, E= MC square, Mass and Energy are relative…So we
might experience some energy level s are changing due to subtle
changes in our blood flow ( Velocity) and reduction of mass due to
gravitation forces by the effect of Sun and Moon.  This will influence
on our thought pattern, our decision-making on every act…so we might
experience some abnormal behavior without our concern. Because every
thought is associated with mass. For example, On a happy day , we feel
very light …On a bad day , we feel very heavy…Don’t you think so ?

This year will be a critical year for most of us..Earth itself is
experiencing some shift in its energy level. Human system will also
experience some drastic changes in the physical and mental levels..We
are already seeing lot of uncertainity in politically, financially in
a global wide..(E.g., Egypt, Euro Zone Debt crisis, American debt,
Indian corruption, Greek drama, Occupy wall street, Middle East unrest
etc). We accumulated lot of negativity on all these years and it went
to peak in 2011. I hope all these negative things need to end sometime
in coming days due to upsurge energy levels in the human system.  This
energy will improve our conscious level in a natural way and that will
improve the policy changes in politically and economically.

I hope this year could be a natural drift in our thought process as a
whole that in turn shifts into positivity.. This World ends the
negative thought patterns and stepping into new age…This is what I
understood ‘World Ends in 2012’.

I am wishing you all have a wonderful, prosperous, healthy new
year…Welcome to 2012…:-)