Correction is always good.
Let me take an example. Day and Night cycle is a gift from the nature. Day is life and Night is death. When the Day starts, you feel much energized. Energy levels are very high in the morning and goes down when the day ends. Body needs rest during the night and it repairs itself to get energized for the next day. If you don’t sleep in the night, that will be reflecting in the following day. So night is as much as important as day.
Correction is very much important in the case of Stock Market or stock life cycle. It will take rest for few months and jump from there. Stocks will jump fast at the initial stage after it takes sufficient rest and will move slowly once it has reached certain point.
If you want to work in the night, you know what will happen. Your energy levels are very low during the night, productivity reduces and this will reflect in the following day. If you play or buy stocks during the correction, your productivity reduces, and you will end up with big losses. Because stocks behave very volatile, it reflects your emotions during correction. If market takes rest and you take rest. That will save you lot of money. Whatever you earn during the bull trend, will wash away in the correction stage. This is where most of people do mistake and ends up investing or trading career.
Productivity can happen only when your energy levels is high. You can make money only when the market is in trend, and not every day.
See the below chart has couple of rest periods in his/her life.